July 2020


More camping doodles! Again with my limited colors and questionable photo quality...

Click on the image or caption to see all the doodles!


Doodles from while I went camping! I had limited colors, but I think I made it work...

Click on the image or caption to see the "comic"!

(New Magicians Series)


I dunno, have a WIP with no context.

Feel free to imagine Pachir saying whatever you want.


Another set of messy scribbles from when I was half-asleep right before I went to bed. Again, just a few pens and my highlighters, and I found a gray marker, and I had maybe two brain cells this time.

Click on the image or caption to see the "comic"!

(Kathestós Order Series)


Warm-up doodle!


Messy doodles from late last night. I was in my room with three pens and my highlighters, and maybe one brain cell.

Click on the image or caption to see everything!


I... drew a tree. (Technically, I drew two nixies.)

As usual, click on the image or caption for a closer look, or to see progress shots(?)!


Whenever I decide to ignore anatomy, I draw Pachir. (Also, I don't usually draw teeth but now I think I will?)

Click on the image or caption for a closer look and other versions!


I drew Gienah! It's been a while...

Click on the image or caption for a closer look and other versions!