November 2018

Mind Map, but in Words

(drawn November 26, 2018. Black ballpoint pen and red Sharpie pen.)

We were assigned to make a mind map in my class, and since I don't usually think it words I thought it would be interesting to force myself to use mostly words for this. The red was originally meant to make the top words stand out, but then I realized I could have some fun with it.

(Kathestós Order Series)

(doodled November 19, 2018. Pencil.)

Just some more doodles of the characters in my comic project, the Kathestós Order! Pachir, Knem, Makinoi, Fluorspar, and Labordei (left to right).

(Kathestós Order Series)

(digital November 12, 2018. Pencil and then digital done over it.)

I drew this with pencil in late October but I was testing how well I can use digital over the top of my sketches. Epilais, Choloepi, and Makinoi (top left to right), three characters in my comic project, the Kathestós Order.

(Kathestós Order Series)

(doodled November 13, 2018. Pencil.)

Just a doodle of Pachir, a character in my comic project, the Kathestós Order! It's technically a sketch of a pose for one of the comic pages.

(Kathestós Order Series)

(drawn November 12, 2018. Pencil.)

Some doodles of Alyogyne, Pachir, and Makinoi! Characters are from my comic project, The Kathestós Order!

(multiple mediums used. Completed through November 15-16, 2018)

The work I completed during the figure workshop that was possible to attend thanks to my school and the Visual Art Institute! Click to see everything!

(Pica concept doodle)

(drawn November 13, 2018. Pencil.)

A drafted reference sheet for a character I've created for a collaboration project with a good friend! I'll probably post more stuff once we get more official with the project. Pica is based off of a magpie (the bird)!

(doodles November 14, 2018. Pencil.)

Doodles of some of the characters in my comic project! Click to see the other doodles that I did.)

Figure Practice! (11/13/18)

(drawn November 13, 2018. Blue Copic marker and pencil. Done from references.)

I had to do some figure practice in preparation for this year's figure workshop at my school! I'm glad I managed to get some practice in. I tried to play with the whole "stylistically long legs" but I probably should have stuck to using good proportions for these guys.

(Attempt to draw another space witch of my friend)

(doodled November 4, 2018. Pencil.)

An attempt to doodle my friend's character from our collaboration project, Andromeda. Character and design belong to her!

(doodles from November 2, 2018. Pencil.)

Click to see the doodle collection! These characters are part of a collaboration project with a good friend of mine!

Erasing More Than Lines

(completed November 1, 2018. Pencil [and ink for words and thin outlines].)

This is a cropped image of a piece that is a part of my 2018-2019 Sustained Investigation Portfolio! The full image will be uploaded there with the rest of the pieces in the portfolio.