April 2021

Secrets of a Gon Series


Just a warm up before I start drawing comic stuff!

This is one of the new brushes I got to play around with.


I got some new brushes and tested them out!

Click the image or caption to see them all!


Some sketches I like from my coming-very-soon comic, Potentially Kinetic!

Click caption or image to see the batch!


Quick doodle of Pachir to test how long it takes me to doodle stuff like this.

Click the image or caption to see the timelapse!


Based on a writing ritual I've been doing for class! I've been having conversations with my plants and stuff around the house.

Click caption or image to see the little comic!


I drew more Wizard 101 stuff. Technically I started drawing this in like October last year but I finally finished drawing the second panel.

Click the image or caption for the whole thing!