August 2021

Potentially Kinetic Series


Some doodles from while I was in class! I'm trying so hard to end the hiatus of the comic... I'm shooting for mid-September, which feels like it should be plenty of time, but sometimes things don't go quite as planned!

Zoota Doodles


Apparently I doodled this at work while it was slow.

Potentially Kinetic Series


Mini doodle from when I was at work. It was so slow up until the last hour!

Potentially Kinetic Series


I had a limited supply of drawing tools while at work so I did the best I could with what I had on hand, which was basically two highlighters and a pen.

Potentially Kinetic Series


The doodle that goes with yesterday's warm-up doodle. (I posted them together on social media but I'm too lazy to put them together on this website.)

Potentially Kinetic Series


Doodles of some Potentially Kinetic characters! I wonder who they could be...