January 2019

The Road LEAST Taken

(finished January 29, 2019. Pen, colored pencil, marker, pencil.)

Cropped/angled picture (with bad lighting, whoops) of a piece for my Sustained Investigation Portfolio!

(Potentially Kinetic Series)

(doodled January 21, 2019. Pencil.)

Doodled Tau for no reason; he looks like a punk rockstar in this doodle and I'm not sure how to feel about that.

(Potentially Kinetic Series)

(doodled January 18, 2019. Pencil.)

Doodled my two time-traveler characters! I don't mess around with time travel a lot in my stories, so I appreciate having these two. I've revamped them so many times... (Also, yes, Eri is hovering. It's a long story...)

You Know, I Never Really Liked Earth Anyways.

(finished January 8, 2019. Pen, glue, marker, pencil.)

Cropped picture of a piece I recently finished for my Sustained Investigation Portfolio! I also have this piece as part of my illustration portfolio.

(drawn sometime in November I think, but I got this back today and don't remember when I drew it. I added to it January 16, 2019. Pen/marker.)

My teacher suggested I draw something in Dr. Seuss style for this quote! Click to see a bigger image!

He Lived Like A Sage...

(finished January 17, 2019. Pen/ink.)

A project from calligraphy class! This is Tycho Brahe's epitaph...

Zoota Doodles

(doodled January 16, 2019. Pencil.)

I just doodled myself during math class, looking much cooler than I probably actually looked while wearing that outfit.

(doodled January 16, 2019. Pencil.)

A little comic I doodled about something that happened the other day in my astronomy class. Click to see the whole little comic!


(doodled January 16, 2019. Pen/marker.)

I decided to use that bush drawing as a new technique, and apply it to the big piece I'm currently working on.


(doodled January 10, 2019. Pen/marker.)

I was cleaning out my sketchbook, and I turned a failed figure drawing into a bush.


(sketched January 10, 2019. Pencil.)

Just something from my sketchbook to help with a much bigger piece.

(New Magician Series)

(doodled January 10, 2019. Pencil.)

It was basically the middle of the night and I just wanted to draw Knem, Cythis, and Karales. I was too tired to even think of an insult to use.

Why Are You Looking at the Frame?

(finished January 8, 2019. Pen.)

I'm here to make you think.

(doodled January 2, 2019. Pencil.)

I think I've mentioned before, but I've got a ton of characters that are based off of birds, as part of a collab project with a friend! Of course, I thought it would be funny to draw them with quotes from those goofy "troubled bird memes". Click the picture or header thing to see all of the doodles.