April 2022


I sketched this out FOREVER ago it feels like but I finally got around to finishing this doodle! (It feels like their hair gets swoopier each time I draw it...)

Uhhhh click the caption or image for a closer look?

Stained Integrity Series


This just kind of snowballed.

I just wanted to doodle something before going to work today, so I drew this.

Stained Integrity Series


Oh no I think I have a new obsession--

I always really have fun with this doodle style so I think I'll be playing around with it even more in the coming days... Since I'M ENTERING EXAM WEEK NEXT WEEK.

Stained Integrity Series


Laurie has had ENOUGH.

Just goofin' around. I'm pretty sure I've never mentioned this character before and never really drawn him so this doodle is even funnier to me.

Potentially Kinetic Series


This warm-up doodle was just asking to be colored, so I colored it. These are the sort of doodles that only people that look at this site ever see, since I don't like posting on my Instagram any doodles that might invoke theories that are too ahead of the comic.


Okay, so I wanted to try painting something using only my computer mouse instead of actually using my pen, and it actually turned out pretty nice? Basically I drew this without a drawing tablet.

(Click on the image or caption to see a timelapse!)

Potentially Kinetic Series


Warm-up doodle that I did for a panel in the actual comic. Trying my darndest to get the comic back up to a consistent schedule!

Stained Integrity Series


Just a quick drawing for a thumbnail for this story... If I do end up making it into a comic just for the heck of it.