March 2020


I went from literally never drawing Charity to drawing her, what, five times in one day? Also I have no clue what a guitar is supposed to look like, oops. I even used a reference!

Click on the caption or image for the full photoshoot!


I don't actually know if I've ever drawn Cort and Charity properly, so here's this I guess. I guess from left to right it's Charity and Cort.

Click the caption or image to see more!

Stick Figure Challenge


Another quick stick figure challenge that I didn't get around to doing sooner! I just had to draw Pachir...

Stick Figure Challenge


Astral's just a disaster waiting to happen. Also, this is literally one of the few good drawings I've ever done of him, I swear.

Stick Figure Challenge


Whenever I see a jumping pose, I automatically think of Akumu because she can float or hover or whatever you call it.

Stick Figure Challenge


Second drawing I did for the stick figure challenge! Totally destroying artblock.

Stick Figure Challenge


I opened up a stick figure challenge on Instagram where people drew stick figures for each other, and then we drew characters in the goofy poses! This one is using a stick figure I drew to get things started.

Have a Tree?


Illustration is moving slowly. Have a tree, I guess?