
The Elppaenip Detective Agency started as a rather random inside joke, but as we kept with it we decided to make it more official!

[Also can be read on Tapas!]

In a world where everyone is born with either a kinetic ability or a pathe ability, rules must be followed, or there will be consequences.

But from illegal abilities to the mysterious murder of a famed adventurer, things—and the rules—may not be quite what they seem...

(This will be uploaded on Webtoon, and maybe here in the future if formatting stops being an issue!)

(So I started adapting a story of mine into a comic...)

"I owe you my life." Just when Clover was starting to think that she was finally getting used to life as lady-in-waiting to the princess of Elmal, those were the words that got her trapped on a flying pirate ship—all while she was trying to help prove a man innocent of attempted murder. Now she's on a quest that won't just be testing the strength of her integrity, but the strength of her life-thread itself.

Want to read a really old comic I started?

(This comic will be archived once I start publishing farther into Potentially Kinetic, as these characters do in fact appear in that story.)