April 2019

Toothpaste, take 2!

(experimented April 7, 2019. Toothpaste.)

I tried using some different food dye this time, and the colors are a bit muted but not terrible! I also gave it a try to do more of a landscape, if you can see...

(Kathestós Order Series)

(doodled April 3, 2019. Pencil.)

I was at a friend's house when I randomly doodled Knem, then of course had to also doodle Fluorspar. I feel like I never draw them enough, even though I'm drawing them constantly for the comic I'm working on!

(experimented April 5, 2019. Toothpaste.)

I did some experimenting! I used to paint with toothpaste a lot, actually, so this time I tried adding some color! Click to see the experiment in full!

(drawn April 1, 2019. Digital.)

I drew this in the April Elppaenip's Day comic, and it was too funny not to put here.