May 2022

Splatoon Doodles


Felt like drawing the gear I usually wear and ended up making an entirely new character... Whoops? Anyways, he goes by Grill (haha) and is a Grizzco suck-up star-employee that is used to the weapon randomizer by now and can do anything from sniping to using a dynamo roller.

Brush Testing 3


Downloaded some snazzy new brushes and I just wanted to test them out!

Splatoon Doodles


I was feeling kind of nostalgic I guess? Either way, I felt like drawing my "main" Splatoon OC. (Yes, I know I didn't draw the ink tank, I just didn't feel like drawing it.)

Stained Integrity Series


Again, I love this antisocial idiot prince. Also oh no why is there so much green--

Stained Integrity Series


I love this antisocial idiot prince.

Stained Integrity Series


Okay, not to be dramatic or anything, but I would literally die for this kid.

Stained Integrity Series


Just some fun experimenting with environment stuff!

I'm working on comic stuff, but this time I'm getting myself super comfortable with style choices before I get in too deep.

Stained Integrity Series


Look I know it says 4/28 on the drawing but I didn't color it until today and then was too lazy to change it. Anyways, this technically isn't related to the previous doodle but it might as well be.

Stained Integrity Series


Just a quick doodle!