July 2021


New update of Potentially Kinetic! There's going to be a bit of a hiatus since some crazy stuff happened, but the comic should return by September!!

Potentially Kinetic Series


Look I just,,, love their dynamic, okay? (I can't wait to properly introduce them in the comic in the next few episodes of Potentially Kinetic!)

Space Witches Series


So today I was having kind of a rough time with literally everything, and I decided to just doodle because I haven't actually just "doodled" in a while... And then I ended up with this page of space witch shenanigans featuring my friend Missa's characters.

(The redhead, and two characters with blue hair are my characters. The blonde, brunette, and purple-haired ones are Missa's characters!)

Space Witches Series


I just wanted to mess around and experiment today, so that's what I did while drawing this picture of Gienah! I specifically enjoyed drawing her hair.

I figured out some nice tricks that I'm sure I'll be able to make use of a lot in my comic.

Brush Testing 2


I got some new brushes to test, and was just scribbling and whatnot with them. These are a bunch of outline brushes, etc.