July 2019

(Potentially Kinetic Series)


I was on a roll and drew a bunch of stuff, this drawing of Iliázo and Féngaro being one of the things. I think this is the first colored drawing I've done of them...

(Potentially Kinetic Series)


A quick sketch of Fýllo while I was on a plane. I accidentally gave him long sleeves.


A picture of Team Mirage for a friend's birthday.

(Click on the picture or caption for a closer look.)

(Kathestós Order Series)


I saw these shirts and knew I had to draw Fluorspar and Knem wearing them.

(Potentially Kinetic Series)


Another doodle request, this time of Phi, whom I also don't draw enough.

(Potentially Kinetic Series)


I was taking doodle requests and a friend suggested Omega.

I really don't draw her enough...