September 2018


(Kathestós Order Series)

(doodled September 13, 2018. Pencil.)

My friend told me to draw Knem wearing a schoolgirl uniform, and my thought process was, "Well, he'd never willingly put it on..." (And I mean, Fluorspar would definitely do something like this because "HEY SHAPESHIFTING MAGIC HAS MANY USES!!")

(Kathestós Order Series)

(doodled September 3, 2018. Pencil/pen.)

My friend suggested that I draw Pachir in a schoolgirl uniform and I think I actually shouted "CHALLENGE ACCEPTED".

(Kathestós Order Series)


Just a messy scribble of Knem and Fluorspar.

(Kathestós Order Series)


Messy scribble of Choloepi and Epilais (because Epil can't go a day without breaking a leg or some other bone--)

(Kathestós Order Series)


I can't even remember what prompted me to hurriedly doodle Pachir with a ponytail.