October 2023

Minding Q's Doodles


Doodle for a chapter update of Minding Q's!

Stained Integrity Series


OC-tober Day 9! The decision wheel instructed me to draw Lloyd cooking! I was actually hoping I'd get to draw him soon because his hair is so fun to color haha

Stained Integrity Series


OC-tober Day 8! (Yes, I skipped Day 7.) Today the decision wheel told me to draw Francis with a plushie!
No, I have no idea what animal that plushie is.

Stained Integrity Series


OC-tober Day 6! The decision wheel told me to draw Elijah with an animal... But I decided to draw him starting to morph into his wolf form instead. (I probably could have done a bit more with the morphing concept, but it was a long day and I didn't want to stress myself out.)

Stained Integrity Series


OC-tober Day 5! Today's prompt was to draw Nigel, sleeping. Poor guy probably covered someone's shift right after his own shift again. (He's like three seconds away from rolling off that loveseat.)

Stained Integrity Series


OC-tober Day 4! I drew Jesse Wright working up a sweat. (Fleeing from prison counts as exercise, right?)

Stained Integrity Series


I was feeling extra motivated today, so I also drew Qa’loë!

Stained Integrity Series


Today for OC-tober, I drew Malina in dramatic lighting (and I may have gone a little bit overboard haha). I'm really excited that I'm able to do fully color pieces in around two or three hours now! Younger me would be so proud and amazed.

Stained Integrity Series


I'm doing a casual OC-tober this year, where I spin a wheel with characters and prompts and draw whatever I get! Today's spins were Stained Integrity, Karic, injured.