
About Artist

Who am I?

I'm Zéta! I'm a creator, with my main mediums being digital and ink for drawing! I also do a lot of creative writing and I've stared dabbling in music making! I'm also a linguistics major with an emphasis in phonetics and phonology.

I'm technically just a hobbyist artist for now, but I really love making art and I'm always trying to go somewhere new with it! I experiment a lot.

I have a little experience in illustrations, specifically children's books, but I also do backgrounds/environments and character design! It might look like I only do digital, but I am very capable of traditional art. A lot of my traditional is surrealism.

My goal at the moment is to make people think. I want to take people places they've never seen before and make them use their brains in ways they've never even considered.

I also have a webcomic! Potentially Kinetic is finally up and running over on Webtoon CANVAS, and it updates (as consistently as I can manage) on Tuesdays!

My most common screen name is some form of "Olive Riggzey". (olive_riggzey, oliveriggzey, OliveRiggzey, etc.)

​{ she/her } -- { Creator } -- { Birthday: May 10th }

English|Español OK! Spelling may not always be the best.

I've got a bit of a crazy mind. I guess that's why I do art. It's weird never seeing words in my head, only images and things I can't translate to words.

I'm still not sure how this picture was taken, but I found it accompanying an article about the "Chalk the Walk" day that happens at the high school I attend.

[article] (which apparently doesn't exist anymore)