September 2020


I felt like drawing kidlings today.

Click image or caption for a closer look!

Fern Fox?


It's shedding season y'all.

Fern Fox


He trot.


I started by drawing one of the houseplants but then it kind of evolved.

Click image or caption for a closer look!


I wanted to draw curls and this was the result.

Click image or caption for a closer look/more versions!


I just wanted to draw glowy things today!

Click image or caption for a closer look!


I blame my friend for the existence of this drawing. Yes, he's sliding down the stair railing with a miniature piano.

Click the image or caption to see the sketch!

Zoota Doodles


So I stumbled across the outfit meme while I was on my way to badminton on Friday, so these clothes are not my usual attire. (That was sophomore year in high school normal attire. I'm in a better place now.)


Just some stuff from my sketchbook that I drew while the power was out.

Click image or caption to see everything!


A drawing I did while the power was out. This was done almost entirely with highlighters, and there's no black ink anywhere.

Click image or caption for a closer look!