January 2024

Feather Candles Doodle


Finally got around to drawing Brant! (Yes he had a helmet but he never really wore it in the story so I didn't draw it.)

Feather Candles Doodle


Managed to do a drawing of Phoenix today! (He's just a knight with trust issues. Also don’t worry about the sword it’s totally fine)

Feather Candles Doodle


I just felt like drawing Milo today! (It's about time I solidified the elements of her outfit anyways ashfkkajfshfsk)

Feather Candles Doodle


Decided to draw El today! (And I wanted to draw more glowy things dsuhfsfdghsfafd) The pose was giving me trouble but I think it turned out decent enough.

Feather Candles Doodle


Some Peregrine art! I've been trying to find time to draw between the thousands of tasks I've been stuck doing, so it was nice to just spend some time drawing yesterday.

Minding Q's Doodles


Sketched the new characters that show up in chapter 17 of Minding Q's! I figured that if I'm putting the reader in the shoes of an overwhelmed POV, they should at least get a visual reference the way the characters do.