May 2020

(Parallel Shadows Series)


Aaaand a random doodle of Lirio wearing... I don't even know. It's the result of a conversation with a friend of mine.


Uhhh I had an interesting art day today.

Click the image or caption for a closer look!


Having to come up with teenage versions of my adult characters is really fun.

Click the image or caption for a closer look!


I'm trying to draw, I swear. I just have a lot of dark and mysterious characters that I've got to draw.

Click the image or caption for a closer look!


Felt like drawing Omega, and then I realized it's technically now a spoiler to draw her without her hood and shadows...

Click the image or caption for a closer look!


Finally finished coloring these...

Click the image or caption for a closer look!

Thank you, everyone!


I feel so lucky to have the support I have in this life. Thank you guys so much for continuing to stick with me through my ups and downs. I wouldn't be where I am today without your support.

(Potentially Kinetic Series)


Just sketching some more to experiment with coloring and outfit ideas...

(Potentially Kinetic Series)


Just designing/sketching some more (side) characters for my soon-to-be comic.


I was just experimenting a little while drafting a few comics for this soon-to-be comic series...

Click picture or caption for a closer look at all of the sketches!




I'm pretty sure I drew this for Mermay last year and only just got around to coloring it. Anyway, have these mermaids and a bonus fish.

Click picture or caption for a closer look!