High Prince Mirak Leiade

{ Mirak Leiade }

     The eldest child and only son of the late Queen Pleiona Diya-Leiade, High Prince Mirak Leiade is the prime heir to the Elmalian crown—and he will take his father's place upon turning thirty years of age. While the prince tends to come off as aloof, he is widely known by the populace for being extremely antisocial—and for having an awful temper. Many consider him immature and childish.

     While dangerous tempers are nothing unusual for Elmalians, both nobles and commonfolk alike know of the prince's "tantrums" and assume him to be disagreeable by nature. Many suspect that the prince's antics are a result of his mother's death, but others point out that he was eighteen years old when the late queen passed away and therefore more than old enough to have matured properly. Princess Koeia, who is Prince Mirak's younger sister by nearly nine years, is often seen as the more mature of the royal children.

     Despite the attempts made by many, the prince hasn't accepted the affections of any potential suitresses. As it is considered improper for anyone to be ruling alone, the prince is expected to be married well before he takes the throne as Elmal's king. The last suitress to be seen by the prince's side was the eldest daughter of Duke Belgrim Firth of Ulfyrth—Lady Ivy Firth of Ulfyrth. Prince Mirak dismissed Lady Ivy after only two months of her company, and—despite that having been nearly a year ago—has not since attended events with the company of a suitress. 

     Like all Elmalians, the prince hoards a specific object that he is attached to—which happens to be tiny glass figurines of animals. He also has a deep interest in frogs and would willingly talk for days on end about everything he knows about them.