Master Malina of Whitethorn, Starspear of Stell

{ Malina Starspear }

     Malina Starspear was one of many young girls that Whitethorn Temple took into their coven after Zeelex suffered a depression in which many parents were unable to afford to take care of their children. By the time she was ten years old, she was able to act as a mentor to the younger trainees, having quickly gotten the hang of using a variety of different kinds of magic.

     Malina was just seventeen years old when Whitethorn Temple was severely damaged by a blast of uncontrolled magic, but she aided with the restoration and was able to take on the role of a mentor when she turned eighteen. 

     On the night of Stell's Fall, just after Malina turned twenty, the late Starspear paid a visit to the temple, explaining that the Diviner had chosen a successor for Stell's Spear—making Malina the second youngest individual to be chosen as one of the Astrals' Weapons, although she didn't inherit the position until about two years later, when the former Starspear's thread was cut due to the sickness that they had been battling for years. 

     Malina was visiting Blugate Prison for a routine check-in on the conditions when Jesse Wright made his escape. Upon confirming that the explosion had been caused by magic, Malina managed to track down Wright to the cliffside of the prison—where she came face-to-face with a ship that was making its getaway as Captain Finnigan Sharp revealed himself as the ship's captain, proving that he was working with Jesse Wright. Malina immediately ordered all ships to go through a passenger check, managing to trace Sharp's ship to the coast of Elmal and following him.

(character sheet coming soon)