Cass Woodsworth

{ Cass Woodsworth }

     Born in Ardal to a pair of merchants, Cass Woodsworth grew up traveling the aether from a young age. His parents were killed by pirates when he was only fifteen years old, but he survived as a stowaway and managed to escape. Ever since then, he's been on the hunt for the murderers that took his parents.

     Woodsworth became a bounty hunter when he was barely sixteen, choosing a freelance route instead of joining a guild. Just before he turned nineteen, Woodsworth was in Wudail for a job and met Antonin Everhart, who was a young merchant that was just a year older than Woodsworth. The bounty hunter became acquainted with Everhart and his younger sister (Agnès) through a trade in which Woodsworth attempted to gather information on his current target. Upon learning that the Everharts had lost their parents to illness when they were still children, Woodsworth offered them a fairly large sum of coinage to help them get back on their feet—but Antonin refused to accept the payment without a fair exchange.

     Agreeing to discuss a deal at a later time, Woodsworth left to finish the job he was in the area for. Unfortunately, a bounty hunter from the Splitters Guild arrived at the same time and decided to fight Woodsworth for the catch—which was a fight that Woodsworth ultimately lost, forcing him to flee. He returned to town and was confronted by Antonin about his injuries. He resigned to tell the Everharts the truth. For some reason, only Agnès seemed to dislike the nature of Woodsworth's true occupation. Antonin simply offered Woodsworth a place to stay while his injuries healed.

     Although Woodsworth stayed in Wudail with the Everharts for nearly a year—a year in which he and Antonin became romantically involved with each other—he refused to settle down after recovering from his injuries and prepared to once again set off on his hunt for the pirates that killed his parents. After some arguing, Antonin decided that his only option was to go with Woodsworth. Against his sister's will, he asked Woodsworth to train him as a bounty hunter so he could join him on his quest to avenge his parents. This stalled Woodsworth's departure by another year.

     It was only a few years later that Antonin Everhart was thrown overboard by pirates, giving his lover and sister a common goal: to avenge his death.

(character sheet coming soon)