Francis Quarter

{ Francis Quarter }

     Francis "Fritz" Quarter is the only child of Aurora Jelico-Quarter and Darby Quarter; both of his parents are physicians and serve as the head apothecaries in town. Rather than studying medicine, Quarter has chosen to serve in the Elmalian Royal Armada—hoping the salary will help better support his family.

     As his mother is of Veydovish root and his father is of Elmalian root, Quarter is a meld with his dominant blood being bakeneko—which gives him the ability to morph into a cat, as well as the ability to lie. Because he has physical features that make it obvious that he has Veydovish blood, his parents elected to teach him Standard Veydovish Brangelish rather than the Elmalian standard, which has resulted in him having an accent that tends to conceal the fact that he is a meld.

     Quarter grew up in the same area as Clover Dove and LeRoy Yates and remains close friends with them.

(character sheet coming soon!)