Lady Clover Dove

{ Clover Dove }

     The only child of Lady Harmony Dove and Mr. Samir Dove, Clover was born a commoner in the kingdom of Elmal—and then her family was suddenly chosen to serve the royal family when the king remarried a close friend of Harmony's. Now Clover serves the princess as her lady-in-waiting, doing her best to avoid the inevitable dilemma of finding someone to marry.

     While Clover's main duty is to be a companion to Princess Koeia, the princess often insists that Clover could use more leisure time and sends her off to "enjoy herself." When she isn't with the princess, Clover spends most of her time in the library or in the town's smithy—the latter being where she visits LeRoy (who is essentially her adoptive brother) and his father. 

     Clover's hoard is made up of feathers, which are frequently gifted to her by Francis (who is a childhood friend of hers that is now serving in the armada) and Ser Blaine (who is trying to court her). 

(character sheet coming soon)