Ser Nigel Gunwale

{ Nigel Gunwale }

     Ser Nigel Gunwale is one of the few knights in the Elmalian King's Guard that is of common birth, having grown up in northern Elmal before moving to the crown city in hopes of proving his worth—and with hope to repay a debt to the man that raised him after his parents were lost during an expedition.

     Despite the fact that he was born to a family of scholars, Gunwale was largely disinterested in academic studies and instead began training with a former knight, Ser Ishmael Voss, to learn how to wield a sword. Voss would often act as Gunwale's guardian during the times the latter's parents were on expeditions—until Gunwale's parents were lost in a shipwreck and Voss promptly became his official guardian. Gunwale was only nine years old at the time, but he was already fairly adept with the sword, and he also was well-versed in multiple languages. 

     Voss provided his recommendation for Gunwale's enrollment in the Royal Knight's Academy of Elmal, securing a spot for Gunwale despite the limited slots that are usually reserved for the nobility. During his first week at the academy, a group of upperclassmen took advantage of Gunwale's naivety by hazing him—which got the attention of two other upperclassmen in the academy: Karic Hawkins and Blaine Grenkelly. After rescuing Gunwale from his tormenters, Hawkins declared himself a friend and has stuck by Gunwale's side ever since.

     Gunwale graduated top of his class and was given a spot in the King's Guard after clearing the training courses. He spends most of his minimal free time giving self-defense lessons to children in town, providing practice weapons for those that can't afford them. Although Gunwale has not been seen with any suitresses or suitors, the other knights claim that they've seen him wearing an engagement ring under his gloves—but no one seems to know anything about the ring's origins.

     He hoards bars of soap, especially ones that have been carved into shapes or statues. 

(character sheet coming soon!)