Amaya Archer


The things i bring to york 

Everyone wants to know what they bring to a certain place but here at York college I bring optimism. Whenever the worst could be possibly be happening, I think of something good that would explain why it’s happening. My picture was a sky, but not just any sky. I photographed two different views of skies and what they represent are sometimes the sky is pretty it makes you want to take a picture and other times its dark and kind of ugly. It represents my word by showing how good your day could be but then also how the next day you day could be worse. These assets apply for me here at York college because going through the beginning stages of life trying to get started everyday isn’t going to be the best day but you have to look at it like it’s happening for a reason .That till pay off later throughout your life but not everyone has that .So as a friend to others who don’t think like that it’s nice to have someone who understands to spread the positivity ,that it will be okay and it may suck now but the long run will be so much better .