Day 4: Overtime

This page starts at midnight on Monday but overtime mode doesn't actually start until noon, but, since there is so little going on during the first 12 hours, there isn't much point in making it a separate section. Instead, here is the remainder of the game for the true ending.

The next morning, around 10 AM, head back to the hideout to see Isabella to ask her to leave with you, she'll refuse to come along, but you need to make the effort. Go back to the security room and up onto the roof alone, the helicopter will come at noon, however it will crash and Frank will collapse in the midst of a group of zombies, triggering game credits and ending the game, apparently. After the credits Isabella will show up and save Frank, then get him back to the hideout, starting overtime mode.

Overtime mode finds Frank infected with the zombie virus, but Isabella thinks she can help if he gathers some items for her. In the mall Frank will need to visit every section to get everything, but fighting special forces instead of zombies. For the remainder of your time in the mall I would recommend carrying an assault rifle to deal with the drones (take one from a special forces soldier you've killed), they are mostly irritating, but they do carry guns and can get troublesome.

This will be clearly stated in the game, but for the sake of simplicity, here's the list items organized by fastest gathering path:

North Plaza - Seon's Pharmacy - First Aid Kit

Wonderland Plaza (Lower Level, just before play area) - Wonder Jewels - Magnifying Glass

Food Court (In Back) - Frozen Dreams - Blender

Entrance Plaza (Lower Level) - Gromin's - Camp Stove

Entrance Plaza (Upper Level) - Estelle's Fine-lady Cosmetics - Perfume bottle

Paradise Plaza (Upper Level) - SporTrance - Cold Spray

Paradise Plaza (Lower Level) - Cam's Camera - Developing Solution

Security Room (Desk by Jessie's Chair) - Coffee Filters

Queens (wherever there are zombies) - 10

After grabbing all the requisite material head back to North Plaza, cut through the park to save time, and take everything to Isabella. Once she accepts the items (she will take everything except queens at this point) the generator will fail, sending you looking for a replacement. Head into Leisure Park over to the clock tower, when you approach it a cut scene will trigger, after which you need to examine the plaque on the side to receive the generator. Zombies will have repopulated the area by now, bringing Queens with them, you'll need to gather 10, so fill your inventory with as many as you can carry. Upon returning to Isabella she will take the generator and will now begin accepting Queen's, one at a time. Returning to the mall will find the zombies are back inside, along with the special forces, deal with whatever you need to gather the remaining queens, there tends to be a lot of them around. It is possible to bring all the queens at once, but you'd need to clean out your inventory, dropping all books, healing items, and weapons, so I prefer multiple trips; on the final trip make sure you have at least one chainsaw and some healing items, along with your books (including the wrestling magazine in the empty store by Crislip's, which buff's your hand to hand skills), this will be your last chance to collect supplies.

Once Isabella has what she needs she will inject Frank and announce she's also created a pheromone spray that will keep the zombies away, prompting Frank to advise sneaking out of town through the tunnel under the clock tower. Ending the cut scene will place you in the infested tunnel and allow you to save before continuing. The walk is fairly long, but it's really not all that bad, the pheromones keep the zombies away, so as long as you're holding Isabella's hand you're safe, however I usually chainsaw my way through the crowd to save time and trouble. At grates you need to allow Isabella to pass through and open them from the other side for you, just keep moving until you see the guards.

Once you see the guards you'll need to work through the crowd and reach a lever at the top of some stairs, above and left of the gate, this will allow the herd to move through, and the guards to come in; dispatch the guards and any zombies in your way, once both you and Isabella are at the Jeep you'll be able to enter it and start driving. After a quick cutscene you'll enter a rail shooter level where you fight a tank; the tank will chase your jeep in circles as you control the gun, concentrate on the flashing lights on the front fenders to damage the tank, shoot the sensor turret on top to stop it from using its main gun, and shoot down drones and missiles as needed. Once the tank has been knocked out you'll fight the final boss, Brock.

I hope you took sometime to learn your hand to hand moves, this fight does not allow weapons or healing items, and Brock is fast and brutal; he'll knock you into the crowd of zombies with a few hits, and put you in a choke hold when you climb back up, so you need to deal with this guy fast. My go to move is the somersault kick, it's an instakill on zombies, and even when he's defending, it hurts Brock. With Brock dead you'll get the true ending of Dead Rising.

With the game finished and all possible survivors saved you'll have the 3 Day Survivor, Infinity Mode, Overtime Mode, Full Set, Saint, Life Saver, Humanist, and, most likely, Level Max achievements. With any luck you've also picked up Unbreakable, but that depends on how fast you deal with the special forces and the cultists (Note, PP Collector and Unbreakable cannot be picked up on the same play-through, a couple of the pictures for PP Collector need to be taken in the Cultist hideout, the only way to get there is to get knocked out and dragged back). Clothes Horse and Gourmet are also fully doable, along with PP Collector, but they should be worked on as you go, otherwise the timeline is a little too tight to pick up at the end (not impossible, but tight). Zombie Killer is not impossible to pull off, but will take some effort, as a standard play will generally net 3-4 thousand kills, less than half what you need. Psycho Photo and Psycho Collector should not be a problem to grab, but they require presence of mind to grab the pics, some of the fights end quickly and if you're not ready to grab a picture it can easily get missed. Level Max is not guaranteed, it is possible to play through the entire game without hitting 50 (I've never done it, but I have gotten all the way to Brock and only been level 49). Marathon Runner is likely wrapped up too, although I don't know if that's a guarantee, I suspect it may be possible to not hit it.

There are several achievements I've never tried for, Tour Guide, Frank the Pimp (although these 2 can be taken together by following this guide), and Transmissionary (guide found here), I find the survivors and, mostly, Otis to be entirely too much of a pain in the ass to deal with. I've also never gone for Zombie Genocider, just never seemed worth my time, although I believe it could be done down in the tunnels in a few hours. Indoorsman and Outdoorsman can be accomplished during a 3 day playthrough, but will require ignoring scoops; 5 Day Survivor and 7 Day Survivor can only be accomplished in Infinite Mode.