Mitch McConnell

Current Senator of Kentucky

Next Election: 2026

RINO Tracker Score (RTS): 10

Reasons Mitch McConnell is a RINO:

Told Bill Barr not to investigate the 2020 election.

Actively Sabotaged the Justice Department from investigating the 2020 election.

Stated the right was giving bad advice about the vaccines and pushed people to get the vaccine.

Voted for Bill that Allowed Democrats to Raise the Debt Ceiling 

Threatened to Defy Trump his candidates and Picked His Own Candidate to Run Against Herschel Walker in GA Senate Race when he should be fighting the Democrats infrastructure bill.

Made a deal with the Democrats to increase the debt ceiling.

Endorsed candidates to run against Trump’s picks and said Trump was destroying the GOP.

Told Sen. John Cornyn to work on gun control with the Democrats.

Voted for the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (S.2938) 

 Pulled funding from Trump endorsed senate candidates.

Voted for the $1.7T Omnibus Spending Bill

Voted Against the Paul Amdt. No. 222

Voted for Foreign Aid Package which Omitted Southern Border Funding