Kevin McCarthy 

Former Representative for California's 20th Congressional District

Left office on December 31, 2023.

RINO Tracker Score (RTS): 10

Reasons Kevin McCarthy is a RINO:

Sold-out on the debt ceiling agreement, forcing most House Republicans to vote for the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023.

Spoke against Tim Scott’s speech which stated that black people weren't oppressed. 

Attacked MTG for comparing the holocaust to mask mandates (Some in the party wanted censor her or kick her out of the House GOP caucus)

Voted to Create a National Vaccine Database

Backed RINO Rep. Rodney Davis (Davis voted to create Jan. 6 commission, and voted to create national vax database) instead of Freedom Fighter Rep. Mary Miller, who Trump endorsed (McCarthy told Trump not to mess with the race).  

Leaked audio from January 10, 2021 showed that he believed that President Trump should resign following Jan. 6th.

Voted for the $40 Billion Ukraine Bill

Spent money to takedown MAGA candidate Karoline Leavitt in NH primary

Sought to take down other pro-Trumpers instead of working to elect Republicans to the House of Representatives. 

Used FTX funds to defeat MAGA candidates