Worked to Defeat Trump's Candidates in 2022 Instead of Defeating Democrats

Backed RINO Rep. Rodney Davis (Davis has voted to certify the 2020 election results, voted to create Jan. 6 commission, and voted to create national vax database) instead of Freedom Fighter Rep. Mary Miller, who Trump endorsed (McCarthy told Trump not to mess with the race).  

Rep. Kevin McCarthy

Endorsed candidates to run against Trump’s picks and claimed Trump was damaging the GOP (McConnell sold out to Democrats and worked to defeat Trump's candidates in the 2022 General Elections):

Sen. Mitch McConnell

Cancelled $10 million dollars worth of ads that would have gone to the Blake Masters Senate Campaign:

Spent money to takedown MAGA candidate Karoline Leavitt in NH primary (Trump endorsed candidate):

Rep. Kevin McCarthy and other Establishment members

Helped take down Rep. Cawthorn and is took down or tried to to take down other Pro-Trumpers: 

Rep. Kevin McCarthy

Used FTX Funds to Defeat MAGA Candidates:

Rep. Kevin McCarthy