RINO Tracker Score (RTS)

RINO Tracker Score (RTS): Ranked from 1 to 10 (10 being the worst RINO possible)

1-3: The RINO may have made a few mistakes or voted for a few un-conservative policies, but he or she still holds conservative values. As the RINO is ranked higher they get slightly less conservative. They don't have to be removed from office, but must be pushed not to support some of the un-conservative policies that they supported. 

4-5: As a RINO get to this point they are becoming less conservative and must really be pushed to support better policies. They aren't bad enough to be removed from office. 

6-7: A RINO should be removed from office at this point because of their disloyalty to conservative values. 

8-10: At this point the RINO has become so bad that they aren't really conservative anymore. They might be a neocon or even a liberal. They should be immediately removed from office. 

Ranked by Issue

Republicans who support homosexuality, or voted for legalize gay 'marriage' are ranked 5 or above and should be removed from office. This is the same for Republicans who voted to legalize Marijuana. 

Republicans who vote (or called for gun control) in support of gun control are ranked 5 or above depending on the severity of the control bill. 

Any Republicans who support giving illegal immigrants citizenship or work visas will be ranked 4 or above and should probably be removed from office (they have sold out American workers). 

Republicans who veto or vote against bills that ban 'transgender' (chemical castration) surgery on children should be removed from office (they will be ranked 6 or higher). If they vote against (or veto) bills that ban 'transgenders' from going into the opposite sex's bathrooms, participating in sports, etc... they should be removed from office, unless they give a good explanation to why they vetoed the bill or support a different bill that has the same effect (Doug Burgum and Kristi Noem both did this). 

If a Republican voted for a few unconservative bills, but is still loyal to Conservative values they should be pushed not to support such bills again, but they shouldn't be removed from office (Ranking 1-4). Once a Republican has supported too many uniparty or Democrat bills, acts, or law they should be removed from office. 

Republicans helping Democrats to win elections, working to defeat MAGA/Trump Candidates, withdrawing funding from Pro-Trump candidates, and/or voting against or vetoing election integrity bills should be removed from office. 

Any Republican who lies or seeks to manipulate his or her voters should be held accountable, but not necessarily be removed from office (depending on the lie(s)). 

If a Republican claims that Trump is to blame for Jan. 6th, then they should be removed from office for lying and not looking at what really happened on Jan. 6th. 

Republicans who work too closely with Democrats should be held accountable and removed from office if necessary.