Help Build this Site

If you ride somewhere and it's not on this site, please let us know.

Photos and Videos

Almost everyone has a phone camera that takes great photos, and hopefully you ride with it in case of emergencies.

While we enjoy beautiful views, what we really want are photos of carparks, access points, trail surfaces and facilities.

Email your photos or post on NZ Bridleways FB group

Need to update instead of add new? Click this link

GPS that track

  • Got GPS? Take it next time you ride and help us build great maps.

  • There are some great free GPS apps for your phone.

  • Save GPS data as either .GPX or .KMZ files

Before you start

Local information about places to ride is invaluable. Before submitting a new place, check you have all the information a rider not familiar with the area needs to know. For instance:

  • Is the parking good? Is it separate from general public parking? Do you need to be confident reversing a float?

  • Where is it, exactly? Give a street address for the entrance and/or parking.

  • who owns or manages the land/trail, do you need permits? who to contact for them

  • What are the horse trail surfaces like? Will a barefoot horse cope? Will a green horse cope?