Beach Code

Responsible riding on our beaches

Check before you ride!

  • Can you ride your horse on this beach?

  • Do you need a permit, are there seasonal or other restrictions?

  • Check where you can and cannot park, and what access points there are.

  • Read any signage when you get there.

Beach Riding Tips

  • Always be aware of the tides. Seasonal restrictions may include tides - only riding at low tide or till mid-tide, and some beaches are dangerous, or have no access out at high tide.

  • Ride below the high tide mark - this will wash away any manure your horse leaves behind.

  • Be aware that all beaches can have soft spots, and sink holes. If in doubt, slow down for you and your horse's safety.

Be Considerate of Other Beach Users

Be patient, be the better person!

Horse riding is an activity that tends to polarise people. Be courteous to other beach users, remember that some people are frightened of horses, and most are ignorant about them.

Be aware of your impact on others, and help to make sure we all have access to beaches in the future.

If you see another rider behaving irresponsibly, try to educate them.

Clean up Manure!

Especially in parking areas, or in public places

Clean up your mess at any parking spot! Manure left by lazy and inconsiderate riders is a major reason for authorities not wanting horse riders in public spaces.

Do NOT use a public area as a place to clean out your float or truck - if there is no manure bin, take it home with you. At the very least make sure manure is buried or placed considerately around gardens. Not all plants enjoy fresh poo, if it looks unsightly - take it home!

Ride below the high tide mark - this will wash away any manure your horse leaves behind.

Stay off Dunes

Use marked trails

Only use marked trails if you are crossing dunes. Damage to dune plants can destroy ecosystems and start ‘blowouts’ – causing the dunes to move inland. This is extremely expensive to repair. Help protect our precious coastlines.

  • Deep sand is hard work for your horse, and can cause tendon damage.

  • Riding up steep dunes can be dangerous; riders have been injured when a horse has fallen backwards on them trying to climb a steep dune.

Stay on trails provided - they are often created in a way that specifically protects the dunes i.e. out of the prevailing winds.

Bird Nesting Areas Notice

Protect Our Coastal Birdlife

Be aware of nesting birds. Several endangered species nest in the dunes, others on shell banks and on beaches. They are often very hard to spot.

If there are DOC or other notices about nesting birds, pay particular attention and\or stay away completely from areas. Do not take your dogs on a ride to areas where there are nesting birds.

Ride below the high tide mark, stay off shell or sand banks to ensure you keep our birdlife safe.

Find out about areas before you ride! Be a proactive rider.