Woodhill Forest

Te Ngahere o Woodhill Kake Hoiho

Woodhill Forest is located on the North West coast of Auckland. It is a 12,500 ha commercial pine forest, that runs from Muriwai to South Head. The forest was originally planted as part of coastal sand stabilisation . Woodhill Forest has been through many changes in the last few years. Woodhill Forest Equestrian Park (WFEP), the area for horse riding, is now called Te Ngahere o Woodhill Kake Hoiho. Te Ngahere = The forest Kake Hoiho = horse riding

Park Hours

Summer 7am to 8pm

Winter 7am to 6pm

Trails and Terrain

There are a wide variety of trails and terrain throughout Woodhill. From beach to hill sides, all are sand based, and rideable all year around. There are wide road-like trails (old harvesting roads), suitable for absolute novices, and a variety of narrower tracks. Some are challenging, and require good riding, and trail horse skills. Although, anyone can tackle most, if you take them slowly.

The views and trails change hugely when trees are logged, but then you have just a few more years and new young trees begin to grow skyward again.

Official Website: www.woodhillforest.co.nz/

Forest Hours 7am -6pm winter, Summer 7am - 8pm

Office Phone: 09 420 9566

Office Hours Mon – Fri 9am – 5pm only


Wikiriwhi Ratima Mob: 021 130 6722

You must be a registered rider for ANY access to the forest (except for the Muriwai Regional Park).

Eke Hoiho Office Te Ngahere o Woodhill

Be Safe in the forest!

Be aware the forest may be closed in high winds due to the potential for falling tree branches, or in times of high fire risk. There is no smoking in the forest at any time!

It is important to follow all instructions regarding areas closed due to logging activities.

trail changes
stay off the roads - logging trucks in Woodhill Forest horse riding

Always take care when crossing roads - logging trucks and other forestry vehicles have right of way.

Map and Directions

The main entrance is from Restall Rd (off SH16). The Administration building to apply for access, pay casual ride fees, or register and pick up your id card is at the bottom of the hill on Restall Rd in the old Forestry HQ buildings.

The entrance to the carpark is well signposted at the intersection of Eastern Boundary Rd and Restall Rd.

Access and Parking

Access is provided by applying for registration via the official website, and paying the annual fees.

Registration has now been rationalised to start annually in October, but there are also options available for part-year registration, casual use (daily) and family registrations.

Horse gates require a key for entry (provided by registering), and locks are now changed annually.

The main entrance at Restall Rd has a large, flat, all weather, metalled parking area specifically built specifically for large vehicles.

Tie rails are provided at either side, so that during busy times you can park close to the next vehicle, tie your horses to the tie rails and fit the maximum number of vehicles in.

Please pick up manure from the parking area to help keep this driveable in all seasons (and so others don't have their horses standing in your muck!)

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Trail markers

horse parking area Restall Rd Woodhill Forest

In Te Ngahere o Woodhill Eke Hoiho area trails are well marked and many are named. This makes finding your way around really very easy, and maps are available. You will also receive a map when you join. New trail markers are being introduced, and new trails are always being created. These bold new trail signs match up with the map numbers and names.

Older markers still exist too. Teardrop markers are all-in-one direction markers - the arrow of the teardrop points the direction of the trail, and the colour indicates whether you are going 'home' (to the Restall carpark) or away. Orange = home, green = Away.

Woodhill Horse trail markers


A treaty settlement has enabled Ngati Whatua o Kaipara the opportunity to purchase Woodhill Forest from the Crown. A Management Trust Ngā Maunga Whakahii o Kaipara now manage recreational areas and other activities in Woodhill Forest. They directly manage the horse riding area.

Hancock Forest Management retain a licence for tree felling for the next 35 years; a gradual return to Ngati Whatua occurs as they harvest trees.