Whitford Beach

Trails and Terrain

There isn't really much beach, but more a shallow tidal estuary, with sandy and shelly banks used by many wading birds. At low tide the mudflats make for a lovely seaside ride. The 'mud' at Whitford is well covered with sand, and provides mostly firm footing (unlike Okura). There is a gate to cross onto the beach area, and you must make sure that you only ride on the right (heading out) side of the orange marker poles until you get well out into the tidal area.

Whitford beach should only be ridden below the high tide mark, to ensure you don't disturb nesting birds. (Sept-March)

Special Requirements for Nesting Birds

Ride out using the trail marked with orange poles. You can then ride the mudflats to your hearts content. Although these are 'mudflats', the footing is generally firm and flat.


"Horses are only allowed to cross the reserve in a straight line to the right of the orange marker posts to ride on the mudflats beyond and off the reserve.

Please do not ride on the reserves apart from the path." - DOC

DOC Notice Whitford
orange marker posts Whitford Beach

Map and Directions

Whitford beach is located at the end of Potts Rd, Whitford.

There is some parking at the end of Potts Rd. Easily enough for a few big trucks or floats.

Do pick up after your horses. This is a public parking area.

Whitford Bridleway - Porterfield > Potts Road

You can extend your ride by using the coastal bridleway

Parking on Potts Rd, or Porterfield Rd (bridleway ride)

parking Potts rd Whitford

Photo: Looking back from the waters edge - note the line of marker poles you must follow out to the waters edge, and the parking area.