
Horse riding in the beaches and trails of Wairarapa

Riversdale Beach

Riversdale beach is a small settlement on the Wairarapa coast. The beach is 4km long,with rocky outcrops that limit riding. at either end. There is also a small river that

Acacia Ave, has room for float or truck parking (and access onto the beach) .

Bodle Drive also has parking, but may be more busy in summer as it is a formal parking area.

Riversdale Rd has a hoggin path and good verge along a short distance from bodle drive, so parking alongside the road or on the grass verge near 25 Riversdale Rd, and riding to the beach may also be an option.

Riversdale Station, Martinborough

Ride with Heavenly Horse Treks or ride on your own using their marked trails. Only 2 hrs drive From Wellington, 45kms south east of Martinborough, based on 10500 acres of Riversdale Station, near the White Rock and Tora Coasts.

Rolling farmland, beach and native bush riding. Riversdale Station now offers accommodation and riding for those with their own horses.

  • $25 per day to follow a marked trail, or additionally $50 per hour for a guide

  • Accommodation options also available.

  • Phone 06 307 8885. or email lutbgriv@orcon.net.nz


Dalefield Horse Riding Park

A commercial forest open for horse riding in the weekends (only). This is a collaboration between Carterton District Council, Forest enterprises (the forest owners) and the Dalefield Horse Riding Park Society Inc who manage the horse riding access and trails.

You must register and book to ride using the Facebook Group

Health & Safety info and Conditions of Entry are also found on the Facebook group.

The group run working bees, and have provided good signage and tie,ups and mounting blocks.


This is a commercial pine forest with a number of forestry tracks and a loop track that links the back of the park up to the ridge track. The loop is 1.6km long, and steeper than any other track in the park. Riders recommend you go around the 'uphill' way first before tacking the steep downhills.