Hawkes Bay

Horse riding in Central Hawke's Bay District, Hastings District, Napier City, Rangitikei District, Taupo District, and Wairoa District.

Napier - Hastings

Waimarama Reserves

Waimarama is a small, seaside community located 30 kilometres or 40 minutes from Hastings.

Horse riding is allowed within Waimarama Reserves, and on the beach.

Reserves Management Plan - page 32

Clive - Tukituki Horse Trail

Note this is also called the Waitangi-Tukituki trail, and there are multiple maps on the Council website all showing the same route

Registration is required, Gate Keys $20 from Hawke's Bay Regional Council Phone 06 845 9230

Clive/ River Road (Tukituki). It offers a mix of riverside trails, coastal views and rural settings. Entrances are set up with gates and spars. Spars for those who can jump, and a locked gate next to it.

Entrances and Parking

  • North – Clive Tce, off Main Rd Clive. Parking at Evers Swindell Reserve. Shared with boaties, jetskis, campervans, cyclists and pedestrians (mainly weekend)

  • Middle – Richmond. Richmond Road, sea end (4km to Clive, 10km to River Road). Plenty of parking

  • South – River Road, Havelock North. River Road, reserve end (14km to Clive). Plenty of parking

Trail Guide -

  • Ride on the grass whenever possible. There is usually a mown trail beside the lime trail for cyclists and walkers.

  • There may be areas where it is narrow, or you need to get through a gateway and have to use the lime trail. Please walk only, give way to pedestrians and cyclists, and only use the trail where you absolutely have to - get back on the grass as soon as practical.

  • Richmond road end is a reserve. Dog control is advised - there are many eggs and chicks in the area during spring.

  • Be aware of electric tapes for stock control in some areas.

  • There are several natural cross-country jumps and a suitable river swimming area near River Road carpark.

NOTE: Horses must not use the trail top on the stopbank (even if cattle are present there). The river is grazed constantly. Please leave gates/ tapes as you find them.

Awatoto - Puketapu Pub Horse Trail

Registration is required, Gate Keys $20 from Hawke's Bay Regional Council Phone 06 845 9230

This horse trail runs from Waitangi Regional Park, Awatoto to Puketapu Pub beside the Tutaekuri River. 16km ride with a mix of riverside trails and a short on-road section. The trail is below stopbanks and beside the river with a rural outlook.

Entrances, and Parking

  • Awatoto - off Waitangi Road, Awatoto – horse float parking (16km to Puketapu Pub). Turn into Waitangi Road off the main road, over rail line about 100m. Parking: follow signposted access down the side of the fertiliser works.

  • Middle- Guppy Road entrance (7km to Awatoto, 9km to Puketapu Pub). Plenty of parking

  • Puketapu - There is parking, but no float parking identified at the Puketapu End. However, since you're having to do some road riding anyway, you could park at Puketapu park on Dartmoor Rd, and ride around to the start of the trail to do it in that direction (or have someone drop off your float at Puketapu park).

Trail Guide

  • Use horse gate at end of carpark area at Awatoto, proceed through gate and turn right to briefly follow the lime-sand cycle trail to the next horse gate. Be alert to cyclists/pedestrians before proceeding. Once through the second gate turn left to ride off the stopbank and on the grassland area between the river and stopbank.

  • Continue to Brookfield’s Bridge in this area.

popular with the Model Airplane club on weekends, white baiters and hunters during respective seasons. Duck shooting season is May-June.
  • Continue under Brookfield’s bridge to the horse gate and proceed below stopbank.

this section from Brookfield’s to Guppy Road is also popular with motorbikes/ vehicles.
  • From the Expressway Bridge proceed to Guppy Road carpark and through the gate.

Guppy Road to Waiohiki-Otatara Pa Bridge is a popular dog walking area.
  • Follow clearly marked dirt trails through the lower meadow area.

  • Cross under the Waiohiki/Otatara Pa bridge with caution – due to narrowness and cycle trail. Keep to side of trail until the track broadens near the transfer station, with a wide area below the stopbank to follow up a stream.

  • Cross the stream. Another short section of limited shared space. Past here, it widens in the river margin. At the edge of the farm/ fence, proceed carefully to the stopbank/ limesand cycle trail and briefly share with cycle trail users, to a final gateway on your right.

  • This section returns to the road. Turn left towards Puketapu Pub.

Tukituki Trails

The bridletrails are the grass berms running beside the limestone trails created for walkers and cyclists. Please DO NOT use the limestone paths except where you need to cross or avoid an obstacle. The bridletrails run alongside the river from Tapairu Rd, to Lindsay Rd.


  • at the end of Tapairu Rd, near where the cyclists and walkers head over the swing bridge but the horse trail ends.

  • Lindsay Rd, near SH2 - this is roughly the middle of the trails

  • End of Scenic Rd, Lindsay Bush Scenic Reserve

Chrialka Station

Chrialka Sport Horses up in the Crownthorpe area, 1960 Matapiro Rd, Hastings has an open gate policy for fellow riders.

Contact: Liz Nelson Phone: + 64 6 874 2805 or 027 464 5124