
bridlepaths, greenways, trails, and other paths...

What is a bridleway or bridlepath?

A bridleway or bridlepath is a route that could be used by a person on horseback (a bridled animal). Traditionally bridleways were always shared!

A footpath was a route for people on foot only. It might be too rough, or steep or narrow (or low) for riding a horse. A carriageway - the term now used for roads - was wide enough to travel in a carriage.

Comparing NZ to the rest of the world

As most of our laws are based on UK law it is interesting to compare ourselves to the UK, and also to other western european states and Australia. When creating new laws our lawmakers often use comparisons to make sure we are 'in line' with comparable countries - so where to we stand?


are traditional rights of way in the United Kingdom, and many parts of Europe for all non motorised traffic including horses. They provide a large network for public access in the UK, and are also prevalent across Europe. Bridleways in the UK are shared by horses (including carriages), walkers (and their dogs) and cyclists (since 1967).

The Pennine Way
[Photo - The Pennine Bridleway, one of the great tourism journeys - UK]

& Green Networks, and Greenways

These are just a few terms used to describe trails or paths, used by non-motorised traffic.

Green Networks is a newish term simply describing any network of off road routes. It may be a network of footpaths, cyclepaths, bridlepaths and shared paths.

Greenways again in NZ this tends to be used in urban settings to mean walking and cycling only. We have a long way to catch up with the rest of the world! In the UK and elsewhere, Greenways are off road paths shared by all non-motorised traffic that may include parts of the route on quiet roads.

New Zealand

In New Zealand, many have a reduced understanding of bridleways as being for horses only, or do not recognise the term at all. I can't count the number of times I have seen 'bridalways'... presumably these are paths for brides??!

Our old roads started as bridleways or bridlepaths. This is the traditional name for any route that was able to be used on horseback - a horse in a bridle, as opposed to a carriageway, which was suitable for a horse or horses pulling a carriage.

Visit NZ Horse Network to learn more about trail sharing and see many examples

Public Access in NZ

We in NZ do not have a history of traditional rights of way, nor do we have the European or Scottish 'right to roam'. Even when Queen Victoria ordered that public reserves, and recreation spaces were to be made, New Zealand landowners ignored the order for public access and rights of way. They protected their private land rights even though at the time, much of the land may have been illegally taken from Maori.

Our only guardian of public access on public land (unformed legal roads, for instance) is the Walking Access Commission , however they have no powers of enforcement. From the name you can see how meek the Government was in even creating such an organisation. Fortunately, they are very proactive in working for all forms of access, including horse riding.

What types of public access exist in NZ

Do we have bridleways in New Zealand?

Yes, we do - a few.

They work well and NZ Horse Network's work in raising the profile of equestrian needs, has seen an increasing number of horse riding areas, and bridleways being built or considered. However, these tend to be paths created on parkland or riparian strips.

We also have unformed legal roads (sometimes called paper roads), which provide our closest approximation to the UK system of rights-of-way.

How are we losing existing bridleways?

Sadly, many traditional routes are being restricted, even when the name clearly shows the heritage of the horse. i.e. "Old Coach Road" in Tongariro National Park, or Old Ghost Road (which includes routes such as 'old dray road') not longer allow horses on them.

This is often being done under the under the banner of the New Zealand national cycleways initiative (which is clearly anti-horse in their publications, and either ignorant of, or wilfully biased against admitting the economic benefits of multi-use trails, the heritage of the routes, and the overseas examples of shared trails). Sadly, cyclists on one hand decry the selfish attitudes of NZ drivers on the roads, but then do exactly the same to others when they gain access to funding or backing.

What is stopping the creation of new bridleways?

What we DO NOT have is any definition of a bridleway or bridlepath as part of a road (like a cycleway or footpath). This is a real problem! Without this Councils generally refuse to create bridleways in rural areas, and may even displace riders by putting in paths that restrict riders (forcing horses onto dangerous roads).

Porterfield Rd bridleway Whitford, Auckland

Porterfield Road bridleway, Whitford Auckland NZ


WorkSafe has recently confirmed that people carrying out outdoor recreation are responsible for their own risk rather than landowners or businesses. This matches the advice the Walking Access Commission has given since the Health and Safety at Work law came into effect. In this podcast Sam Newton describes the work that Recreation Aotearoa and John Palmer of the NZ Alpine Club did to get that change. And we talk about why it is good news for land owners who let people onto their land.

Horse Sense for Cyclists

Horse Sense on the Roads is our road safety website, but also includes guides for sharing with walkers, cyclists and motorists sharing that are just as relevant on trails and in recreation areas.

Horse Sense on the Roads

If you are looking for information on road safety, or trail sharing for horses, motorbikes, cycles, walkers please visit Horse Sense on the Roads