Whitford Forest

We need updated information on this Forest!

Trails and Terrain

This is 1700 hectares of, sometimes steep, clay based forest, and therefore similar to Riverhead Forest. The forestry roads are also similar, although they appear less harsh (on hooves) than most at Riverhead. This is also a quite hilly forest, with some reasonably steep inclines.

Parking and Access

There are two horse gates marked on the current map for this forest. The first is directly off Whitford-Maraetai Rd and the second is off Waikopua Rd.

Waikopua Road parking. Car park is at the beginning of Waikopua Road on the right hand side – access through a metal gate and it takes you into the paddock on the corner of Waikopua and Whitford/Maraetai Road. Paddock looks overgrown but it has a good base of metal underneath and forms a turnaround. You can easily get 2 trucks and 3 floats up there when the grass is low. Watch the gate entrance – there is a soft spot on one edge of the entrance. You then ride up Waikopua Road to the Forest entrance which is the wooden gate.

Map and Directions


Howick Info Service Phone 534 4796