Week 35

May 20-24

Hello Parents and Students,


Wax Museum: On Thursday, May 23rd, a completed copy of the wax museum speech is due. Parents, please check it over for correct spelling. Students should be memorizing their speech for homework. Also, students should be gathering items for their costume to prepare for their presentation. The final performance will be on Tuesday, June 11th.

Minimum Day: Don't forget, it is a minimum day this Friday, May 24th! Dismissal is at noon

Open House: You are all invited to  come visit our classroom and see some of the work your child has done throughout the school year! Open House is Wednesday, May 29th starting at 6:00 in the MPR. Classroom visits will end at 7:30.

House System: Congratulations to Isibindi AND Altruismo for winning the most points last week! Remember to wear your house shirt on Thursday! 

CAASPP Testing

CAASPP Testing: CAASPP testing continues this week. To help your child succeed, please ...


Math: Students will take the Math portion of the CAASPP test this week. We will continue in our Module 6 books this week. Students do not have homework in their Apply books, but should still be practicing multiplication facts.

Reader's Workshop: This week, we will take our final reading assessments of the year. Students will be reading and answering questions to determine their reading level. 

Writer's Workshop: This week, we will complete our Biome triarama. We will also write a book review for our Spring Reading Tournament winner: The Day the Crayons Came Home.

P.E.: Please dress appropriately on Monday and WEDNESDAY for P.E every week. 


Only 4 weeks left until Summer! You got this 3rd graders!

Mrs. Palmer