Week 22

February 5-9

Hello Parents and Students,


House System: Congratulations to House Amistad for winning the most points last week! Remember to wear your house bracelet (optional: house colored clothing) on Thursday!

100th Day of School: We will be celebrating 100 days of school on February 7th! We will be doing an activity with our little buddies. Students are welcome to dress up as a 100 year old for this day, but it is not required.

President's Report: We will continue working on our President Research in class. Your child may come home with their rough draft to be finished at home. Please assist your child in completing this assignment if it is sent home. All COMPLETED rough drafts are due Wednesday. 

Valentine's Day: Your child may bring an item to share with the class on 2/14. I do ask that you have your child write only their name, not the recipient's name on the item. This will help while passing them out. We have 25 students in our class. 


Math: The goal for this month is to master all multiplication facts x0-x10. Please make sure your child is practicing multiplication facts for at least 10 minutes a night. It is very important that they are fluent in multiplication facts as they continue their educational career. If you would like to print a set of flashcards, visit this site. We will continue with lessons 6-9 in Module 4 this week. Module 4 focuses on polygons and area. 

Reader's Workshop: This week, we will begin our unit on Harriet Tubman. As a class, we will read the book "Go Free or Die" and take notes. 

Writer's Workshop: Students will be writing about themselves as if they were 100 years old. 

Social Studies: We will continue working on our President Research and reviewing the history of Camarillo House.  

P.E.: Please dress appropriately on Monday and Thursday for P.E every week. 

Music: Music lessons with Mrs. Higa will continue this week. Lessons will be on Wednesday's after recess. 



Mrs. Palmer