Week 26

March 11-15

Hello Parents and Students,


Scholastic Book Order: Scholastic book orders were sent home on Monday. Please submit all orders by March 15th. The class code is: YG4WQ. 

House System: Congratulations to House Reveur for winning the most points last week! Remember to wear your house bracelet (optional: house colored clothing) on Thursday!


Math: We will have our next math test in Module 4 covering lessons 12-19. The study guide will come home on Tuesday and the test will be on Wednesday.   The goal going forward is to master all multiplication facts x0-x12.

Reader's Workshop: This week, we will continue Reader's Workshop in our small groups. We will also work on practice assessments for CAASPP testing so students are familiar with the format when they take the test in May.

Writer's Workshop: Students will be continuing to practice Opinion Writing. 

P.E.: Please dress appropriately on Monday and Thursday for P.E every week. 

Social Studies: Students will be researching influential women in history as part of Women's History Month. 

Music: Music lessons with Mrs. Higa will continue this week. Due to the field trip, our music lesson has been moved to Friday after recess. 


Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Mrs. Palmer