Logo Design Challenge

Today you will be creating a logo for a business (or yourself!). 

What is a Logo? 

  noun : a symbol or other design adopted by an organization to identify its products, uniform, vehicles, etc.

Do you recognize these world wide logos?  


Some messages are hidden in logos. 

There are so many LOGOS and all are special and unique to the company, place, or thing they represent. 

Let's create a LOGO! 

Materials- practice paper, final paper (medium weight), colored pencils

1 - IDEA - DECIDE what's your logo for (brand, initials, last name, school)

2 - RESEARCH & WRITE words that describe your idea. (flavorful, powerful, BOLD, safe, smooth)... write these words or symbols on "pratice paper". 

3 - BRAINSTORM & SKETCH A TON! - Draw MANY words/letters/symbols/colors.

4 - DESIGN & FINISH - Once you find the logo you like best, GO WITH THAT! Complete on "final paper."

Let's TALK MORE IDEAS... Getting started

If you know what you want to do, go ahead and draw, sketch, and write words and logos (work quietly). 

Bonus Challenge: Create a logo for Horizon PTO's Spring Fling week 

Lines - Vary the lines 

Shape - Basic then modify

Color - Cool/Warm

Texture - Smooth/Scratchy

Space - Small/Big, 1 or 2

Value - Contrast or Shade

PLAY with the DESIGN

Try Seeing a Simple or New Perspective

Student examples: