
Create a Cube for a table top. Then create 3 objects to sit on the table. Bevel all appropriate edges.

Create a Polygon Plane with a dense level of Divisions. Position it slightly over the top of the highest object.

Create > Polygon > Plane

With the Polygon Plane still selected change the subdivision Width & Height to something like 60 X 60.

Assign a new aiStandardSurface material. Right-Click & Assign New Material

Choose aiStandardSurface.

Find a tillable, table cloth image. It should be square in resolution and at least a medium resolution. Save it to your computer.

Next to the color attribute, select the checkerboard icon.

A new Create Render Node window opens up, choose file.

The attribute window changes. Select the File Folder next to Image Name

Choose your table cloth image a nd Open.

Your plane should change color to the image you just selected. If it does not, press < 6 > on the keyboard.

Change the Maya Menu Set, choose FX.

Select the table cloth object and then choose nCloth > Create nCloth.

Select the table and the objects and now choose nCloth > Create Passive Collider.

In the timeline, set the end range time of the playback range to 5000.

Press Play in the in the playback controls.

Add a Image Based light. Choose Arnold > Lights > Skydome Light.

Next to the color attribute, select the checkerboard icon.

A new Create Render Node window open s up, choose file.

Choose your HDR image to light the scene and Open.

Select the aiSkyDome.

Now render the scene. Arnold > Render

This image looks a little blown out. Change the aiStandardSurface Intensity.