Polygon Modeling Tools

Top View: Create a simple shape snapping to grid (X) using the Create Polygon Tool.  

Mesh Tools > Create Polygon Tool

If it is flipped or black, reverse the surface normals.  Select the Polygon, Mesh Display > Reverse.

Top View: break the polygon down into quads and triangles.   

Mesh Tools > Multi-Cut

Perspective View: Extrude the polygon plane to give it thickness

Edit Mesh > Extrude

Add Divisions . . .

Top View: Select the polygon  and mirror it over the correct axis.   I made sure I was mirroring over the correct axis  and in the correct direction.

Mesh > Mirror

The final mirrored object.

Top View: Create a simple shape snapping to grid (X) using the Create Polygon Tool.  

Mesh Tools > Create Polygon Tool

Perspective View: Extrude the polygon plane to give it thickness

Edit Mesh > Extrude

Perspective View:  Insert 12 equal edge loops on the wing.  

*Note: if the tool does not work correctly,  your polygon may not be in quads.

Mesh Tools > Insert Edge Loops


Check Multiple Edge Loops

Number of edges to 12

Select a 6 alternating faces. 

Etude them out a bit.  Edit Mesh > Extrude

The Final object should look like this.