
Search Google images for a simple but not too simple maze with simple 90 degree angles.  Right-click on the image and save to a folder in your documents.

Find a simple maze image and save to a folder on your desktop called Game.

Change the Text to 'Your Name" + "Maze"

Delete all the objects except the floor and walls..  No Lighting, player start, or other non-3d objects.

Create a box and scale to to the same size and location of the ground.

Delete the ground an move the new box into ground location.

These are the settings I used to fit perfectly  

In the Content Drawer Right-Click on the work area and create a new folder, called MyTextures.

Select the floor,  under Surface Properties, change the UV settings.  I doubled the size.

Switch to top view.

Drag a Box geometry to the floor. align it with the maze wall, and scale it to size.

Switch to Perspective View.

Scale the Z-Height of the cube so that it is as high as the wall.

Select the top face of the box and move it to the same height as the exterior walls.

In the top view duplicate and scale the box geometry to align with the maze map.  A short cut is to hold {ALT} and move the Box; it will automatically duplicate the box.

Change Pivot Point Resource

Make sure you align your edges