Game Design Students will explore the world of design, learn new software and hardware, but ultimately the focus will be on idea development. Game Design is a new & exciting project based course, where students learn the interactive 3D world, create original games, and interactive environments. This class is ideal for artists, designers, photographers, and students pursuing careers in engineering, industrial design, or architecture. LAB FEE: $15 is required for design supplies and materials. *Meets MYP Design requirements
Documentation / Studio
Initial Portfolio ✅ Syllabus / Lab Fee ✅ "Who Are You?" Paragraph about you.✅ "What Inspires You?" Inspiration Board
✅ Create Google Site ✅ Turn in Portfolio Address 3R 4G
Foundational Skills
✅ Final Google Doodle Game ✅ Unreal Basic Scene ✅ Unreal - Maze 3X ✅ Unreal - Maze with Boolean Holes 1X✅ Unreal - Maze with Boolean Teleport 2X⬜ Unreal Hit Test Basic Scene ⬜ Unreal Count Down Timer ⬜ Unreal - Basic - 2D Side Scroller ⬜ AI Photoshop⬜ Unreal - Basic - 2D Side Scroller Due ⬜ 2D Side Scroller ( Hit Test ) Due⬜ 2D Side Scroller ( Score )Due⬜ 2D Side Scroller ( Lives or Timer) Due
⬜ Mixamo Setup & Explore⬜ Unreal - Shatter on Hit
[NOTES] [EXAMPLE]⬜ Game History Inspiration Board ⬜ Narrowed Focus Inspiration Board IDEA EXPLORATION (ALL)⬜ Direction Analysis, & Reflection ⬜ State Design Objective ______________________________________________________________________INDEPENDENT SKILL PROJECT
SKILL DEVELOPMENT⬜ Final Project Tutorial Started______________________________________________________________________
⬜ Documentation & Reflection 1st Check on 2nd Check on 3rd Check on Final Check on
- Daily Process - Visual Progression - Ongoing Reflection & Justifications_________________________________________________________________________
This is the final stage where you create a formal final prestation of your project. [NOTES] [EXAMPLE]
⬜ Final Project Images & Video ⬜ Final Reflection - Successes w/ Images- Improvements w/ Images- Favorite & Worst Part of the project
Cell Phone Use Policy
No playing games, YouTube, Instagram or other sources of entertainment in the classroom during or before class.
No using the phone while a student or teacher is presenting.
You can listen to music while working as long as you do not disturb other students and remove earbuds while a student or teacher is presenting.
If there is an emergency and you need to answer the phone or make a call, ask me to go to the front room.
Student Assessment: Students are assessed based on Three main areas, foundation skills, developing ideas, & independent project & skills development. This is more of holistic approach which is student-centered and promotes a growth mindset.
Student grade is based on three main areas:
Skill Assignments (30%)
Mini Project(s) (30%)
Final Project (40%)
Extra Projects (Extra)
Grading is competency based 1-6; which is more holistic, student-centered, and promotes a growth mindset. Students are able to practice mastery of competencies and skills without the penalty of receiving a poor grade and creates an opportunity for students to learn from their mistakes.
Standards to Grade Conversion
6 = Industry Level Mastery 6/4 = A+ / 110
5 = Advanced Mastery 5/4 = A+ / 105
4 = Mastery 4/4 = A / 95
3 = Partial Mastery 3/4 = B / 85
2 = Developing 2/4 = C / 75
1 = Emerging 1/4 = D / 65
0 = Emerging 1/4 = F / 40
Independent Project & Skill Development: This assesses the student's ability to independently learn new technical skills and their ability to manage an independent project. My goal is to foster an environment that promotes intrinsic skill and project exploration. Ultimately giving students an opportunity, the tools, and an environment, to explore their passions and/or future careers.
Developing Foundational Skills emphasizes building foundational skills which are software & hardware specific, based on each course strand. Each student will apply gained skills to mini projects, documenting creating the solutions. They can be demonstrated through teacher guided assignments OR can be demonstrated through independent student projects.