First open preferences and activate Select Faces with Center. This will allow us to select faces and identify hidden faces. Additionally, it makes it easier to select faces in orthographic views.
Turn on Face Centers
Turn on Infinite Undo
Maya Basics: The Extrude Tool
Key Tools & Skills Emphasized:
Extrude (Face): Select the faces you want to extrude and then Edit Mesh > Extrude NOTES
Local Translate
Keep Faces Together
Activating the Manipulator Tool w/ History
Selecting Multiple Faces: Hold {Shift} and select multiple faces at one time
Insert Edge Loop: Mesh Tools > Insert Edge Loop NOTES
Multi-Cut: Mesh Tools > Multi-Cut NOTES
Offset Edge Loop: Mesh Tools > Offset Edge Loop NOTES
Extract (Faces): Select the faces you want to extract and then Edit Mesh > Extract NOTES
Smooth: Mesh > Smooth NOTES
Using the Extrude Tool, create a simple extruded shape, smooth the object, extract the parts, and apply new materials.
Edit Mesh > Extrude
Mesh > Smooth
Edit Mesh > Extract
Create a complicated "Whatchamacallit". Make it look like a "real" part of something. But it does not have to have a real purpose.
This is our final goal, but I will explain the 'new' steps next class.