Setting Up the Lighting

Right-Click on the IBL folder and Copy it.   Open your 3D Folder, Right-Click and Paste it in the 3D folder on your Desktop.  If you do not have a 3D folder on the Desktop, Right-Click on the Desktop and choose New > Folder


Open File Explorer

Navigate to: This PC > (C:) Local Disk > Program  Files > Autodesk > Maya2022 > presets > Assets

Choose  Arnold > Lights > Skydome Light

Click on the Checkerboard icon next to the Color Attribute

Choose File

In the Attribute Editor select the file folder next to the Image Name Attribute.

Choose Interior1_Color.exr and then Open.

A new window will open and your scene will render.

Click the eye icon, this will take a snapshot of the render for comparison.

It should look like this.  Now test the render.  Arnold > Render

Select the IBL dome and in the Attribute Editor, scroll down until you hit the Visibility Tab.  Change Camera to '0"

The new render should now not show the background.

Right-Click on selected objects and choose Assign New Material

Choose Shader > aiStandardSurface

Choose Presets

Choose Brushed Metal > Replace

The selected section should turn Black, then rename the material "Brushed_Metal"

Now select all the other parts that use will use a Brushed Metal material.  Right-Click choose Assign Existing Material > Brushed_Metal.  NOTE: if you did not name the material, it will not be there.

Right-Click on selected objects and choose Assign New Material. Choose Shader > aiStandardSurface.  This time just choose the color black and label it "Black".

It should look something like this.

Select the top prism and choose Preset > Glass > Replace

Open the Transmission tab and change the Transmission Color to Green.  And rename the material something like 'Green_Glass'

Repeat for the lower prism and assign red glass.

Select all the the parts that make up the Lightsaber.

Combined all the parts.  Choose Mesh> Combine

It should turn green.  Activate the Rotate Tool.

Activate the Resolution Gate.  It is the white square with the blue circle.  It will crop exactly what you will see when you render.

Grab the yellow rotate handle and adjust it while zooming in, until it fills the screen.  Try to get it centered and filling the screen, while not cutting off the Lightsaber.