Screwdriver– Notes

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 Student Example

Here is a simple screwdriver project to introduce you to some entry level Mental Ray skills and features, as well as a few basic curve-based model techniques.   


Create a very similar curve. Then revolve it. Details in lecture.  Create all the sections of the curve individually and then combine them. 

*Anytime you create a straight line, hold the the shift button to snap it.  It is the same in more drawing programs.




Using the insert key, move the pivot point to the end of the curve.  Then Duplicate the curve and move it to the end of the last.  Now rote it so that it fits the best it can.  Repeat until all are plac

Select ALL curves in order from Left to Right.

It should look like this . . .


Select all curves and attach them.  Edit Curves > Attach Curves .  Change settings:  Check Insert knots and uncheck Keep originals

Snap the center vertices to the grid, so it will revolve around the center.

My curve pivot point was off, so I snapped it to the end of the curve.

Your curve still has history, so select it and choose Edit > Delete by Type > History.


These are the settings I used to revolve the 




Make a cylinder with 20 or so Axis divisions and 8 or so Height Divisions.   We are going to use this for carving out, Boolean procedure, the notches in the handle. Scale and move as shown below.  Make sure you do not move it past the trim work you crea



Smooth the cylinder and the handle to be get a better cut with the 


To get the cylinder to revolve around the handle, you have to move the pivot point.  The fastest way is to group it then duplicate the group.  Another way is to hit the {insert} key and move it manually. 

Now we are going to duplicate the cylinder 5 more times every 60 degrees. Edit>Duplicate Special □ Use the following s


Combine the cylinders in to one object.  Select all the cylinders choose,  Mesh>Combine.

Boolean the cylinders from the handle to notch it out.   Mesh>Boolean>Difference It should look something li

ke this:


Make a default cylinder, scale it and rotate in place.  To chisel the tip, create a cube and increase the division.  I used 6 divisions.  We are going to perform another Boolean operation, so place it above the tip appropriately.  We now want to mirror the cube.  The fastest way to do this is to group the cube {CTRL} + {g} or Edit>Group,  which changes the pivot point at the origin (0,0,0).  Now just duplicate it and then in the Chanel Box change the Scale Y to –1; this mirrors the cube. The last this is to select both cubes and combined them.  Mesh>Combine 

Now it is ready to boolean the shaft.  Select the shaft then the cubes and then Mesh>Boolean>Dif