Photo 2


My experience in the class was more than great. I made new friends, got more confident as a speaker, and perfected my artistic abilities. I really got to enhance my creative techniques taught and learned in this class, used editing techniques I never thought i'd use or even seem interesting, and overall this class challenged me. I loved this class, I really brought out how much I actually like photography because I honestly only came into this class looking for a credit, but I actually gained skills I can use for a lifetime and I will 100% take advantage of more than anything. This class did bring some lows just because of how fast paced and stressful it is. I learned early on that this was almost structured as an AP and was going to be hard. Basically an essay due every class was extremely hard. English and writing is not my strongest subject, and sitting down to write 3 paragraphs every other day was something I needed to get used to, but ultimately It helped me develop a more meaningful image and actually think about what I was taking pictures of.

My work has definitely improved by one thing, quality. I'm not talking about how good my images look, but the actual quality of the image. During the back half of the semester I invested in a DSLR camera and drastically changed my quality in my images. I also just think that my images improved by the techniques I used and adapted to during the semester. I think me thinking and taking my time while taking an image is the best thing and can drastically change the way an image can and will come out. I think the most challenging thing for me is taking my time. I always did the assignment last minute until covid-19 because I honestly had way to much on my plate at once (Which i know isn't an excuse) but trying to juggle school, work, sports, and social, was extremely hard and taking photos just never fit in for me.

I think the thing that I am most proud of is how more confident I am in front of a crowd. When it comes to school I think that I am the quiet kid. I don't speak unless called on or made to speak. it's just not who I am. With mandatory presentations every other week it really enhanced my presenting skills and made me more applicable in presenting situations. My work illustrates my strengths by showing how unique my images are. Almost all of my images haven't been created in a similar way. I think I tried my absolute best when It came to creativity to give it the best touch of mine i could. The weakness' were my editing. I never really drastically edited any photo of mine because 1. I don't know how and 2. i never thought it would look good so I never tried to see if it would or not.

-Matthew Kempf